Internship Opportunity

Alexis L-b Start Date: Jan 28, 2017 - End Date: May 27, 2017
  • Manchester, United Kingdom

My Travel Story

by: Alexis L-b Start Date: Jan 28, 2017 - End Date: May 27, 2017
This summer, in order to finish my degree, I have been given the opportunity to internship in Manchester, England. I will be given the opportunity to experience a full-time internship with an NGO focusing on immigration and humanitarian work which will give me experience in my desired field. I am so excited about this chance and would love to, not only visit Europe for the first time, but also, finally get some experience in y dream field! I am so honored that I will be given the opportunity to work with people who are making changes in the world to improve the lives of others and I cannot wait until I am able to join in and add my efforts to the causes that mean the most to me.
  • Manchester, United Kingdom