The Journey to Study in Spain!

Janelle Castellon Start Date: Jun 18, 2018 - End Date: Jan 3, 2019
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Intern Abroad
  • Study/Degree Abroad
  • Seville, Spain

My Travel Story

by: Janelle Castellon Start Date: Jun 18, 2018 - End Date: Jan 3, 2019
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Intern Abroad
  • Study/Degree Abroad
          Hi there! My name is Janelle but most people call me JELLY. I am going to study abroad with the CIEE program in the spring to Seville,Spain. I am very, very excited and I cannot wait for the experience of a lifetime! This program offers many opportunities for students/learners of all types and I took it upon myself to reach for this opportunity. For me, this is a chance to grow as an individual out of the usual comfort zone and become someone more. I have wanted to be able to study abroad since middle school because every country, state, town, and person is different; I want to experience the world and all of its diversity. There is so much to learn with not a lot of time and all I want is to experience with my own senses. This opportunity will provide me with insight mentally, spiritually, and culturally, giving me the push I need to enhance my writing/communicative skills and impact society the way in a positive, moving way. What exactly I want to do career-wise is still broad and anything within my double majors is fair game. Ideally, I would be a successful writer in fiction as well as a documentary film artist. Studying abroad is one of the first steps towards my desired occupational direction, but in the long run it is wherever the winds take me.
        I will do whatever it takes to make my dreams come true and if it means to make a campaign on this website then so be it! Bless everyone and I hope you all achieve your dreams too! <3

  • Seville, Spain