Help me raise moola for tourist exploited elephants!

Jessica Mills Start Date: Jul 29, 2016 - End Date: Jul 28, 2017
  • Thailand

My Travel Story

by: Jessica Mills Start Date: Jul 29, 2016 - End Date: Jul 28, 2017
Hey guys thanks for checking this out!

In November 2017 i'm going to Thailand for 4 weeks to volunteer at an elephant sanctuary. As many of you know i'm quite passionate about the welfare of animals. I think it will be a rewarding experience for myself and for the charity group as they will be recieving a donation from us.. along with whatever work they put me up to for the time i'm there. (Will most likely include elephant baths, walks for foraging, walks to the lake, picking up poop/cleaning living areas etc) Here's a little info on the project ;) :

Globalteer is a non-profit charity out of the UK. They promote sustainable development for the benefit of the public by the relief of poverty and the improvement of the conditions of life in socially disadvantaged communities.

Example of one amazing beast that resides at the sanctuary:

Pai Lin - Gem Stone
Pai Lin came to the sanctuary in February 2007 after spending many years on the city streets. Upon first inspection, she was in poor physical condition, underweight, dehydrated and suffering from nasal and eye problems.

As a result of carrying a heavy ‘seat’ with possibly up to six tourists in it (this maltreatment is common in the tourist industry), she had several pressure sores and her spine is visibly deformed. Thankfully, she does not appear to be in any pain.

She is very gentle and sedate and tends to prefer her own company. She likes to go on walks where she can forage and enjoys getting into the lake in her enclosure. She does like her daily showers from the volunteers and also likes to cool herself down by spraying herself all over with the water.

The money raised here will be going towards a minimum donation of 1400 to accommodation volunteers and to promote humane behaviour towards animals by providing appropriate care, protection, treatment and security for animals which are in need of attention by reason of sickness, maltreatment, poor circumstances or ill usage, and to educate the public in matters pertaining to animal welfare in general and the prevention of cruelty and suffering among animals.

Globalteers vision:
A world where human and animal suffering are minimised and the future of our planet is safeguarded by effectively harnessing the goodwill of people who share our vision.

Thanks again =] 
  • Thailand


  • Raffle

    Spray paint on board. Per every 20$ donation I will write your name on a raffle ticket for this !