Help Richelle provide medical care in Nicaragua!

Richelle Buermann Start Date: Oct 3, 2017 - End Date: May 5, 2018
  • Esteli, Nicaragua

My Travel Story

by: Richelle Buermann Start Date: Oct 3, 2017 - End Date: May 5, 2018

My name is Richelle Buermann and I am studying for my Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences at the University of Minnesota Rochester. I have been given the opportunity to travel to Esteli, Nicaragua in May 2018 and provide medical care to low-income families through the non-profit organization called Global Medical Brigades (GMB).

Nicaragua is ranked the second poorest country in Latin America. 50% of the Nicaraguan population still live in poverty, and among rural inhabitants, 85% struggle to live on $1 per day or less. Additionally, isolated communities are often limited in their access to basic health services, and markets due to poor transportation infrastructure.

The medical and public health brigade provides volunteers with the opportunity to make a tangible impact on communities while gaining hands-on experience in the field of international medicine. While in Nicaragua, the team will visit one partner community to administer clinics and conduct health workshops. During clinical days, community members are able to consult doctors and dentists, fill any necessary prescriptions, receive necessary dental care, and sit-in on health education lectures. For every one volunteer, 24 individuals obtain medical care.

My goal is to raise $2,500 to assist with the purchase of my plane ticket, supplies, and program fees. By donating funds, you will not only be benefiting me but also every Nicaraguan citizen I help.

I want to pay it forward! Any donation, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated! Please contact me at with any questions you may have. Thank you for your time.

Please help spread the word!

God Bless!
Richelle Buermann

  • Esteli, Nicaragua