Help me to get to Panama in spring 2017 and start to study

David Leon Start Date: Jul 14, 2016 - End Date: Nov 10, 2016

My Travel Story

by: David Leon Start Date: Jul 14, 2016 - End Date: Nov 10, 2016
Greetings !
This month has been so excited for me. I 've been admitted in Kalu Yala project in order to study a Design Thinking program which is schedule to begin in spring 2017. Kalu Yala is located in the heart of Panama. In a valley hiddden in a rainforest and offer a unique conditions for experimenting with more sustainable ways of livin it's foundation was many years ago but since the institute started in 2010, Kalu Yala has been far ahead in reaching new ways to be more sustainable city. My aim is to create new ways called "upgrade workshop" for products and reduce waste. That study subject is focus in perfecting my very first starup entrepeneur project which I hope it will join the bussiness incubator at Kalu Yala and bring jobs, conciusness and healing to the earth.  Currently I am living in Quito, Ecuador. By now I need urgent to buy the flight ticket but I am running out of money as I begun to pay all the program fees and even when  is half-funded by credit is being difficult to gather all the funding.