Abroad to Spain!

Serenity Melendrez Start Date: Oct 16, 2016 - End Date: Jan 13, 2017
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Study/Degree Abroad

My Travel Story

by: Serenity Melendrez Start Date: Oct 16, 2016 - End Date: Jan 13, 2017
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Study/Degree Abroad
I'm passionate about going abroad because I want to learn more about my other half, my father's half. Our cultural back ground comes from Spain, and I feel that's ahalf of myself I've never really gotten to learn about. Yeah, I could just sit down and talk about it with them. But that's all anyone does anymore. We talk. We never really engulf ourselves with who we truly are.
Being able to go abroad will help me so much with my future career because I'll have a better understanding of others. In th medical field, a big part is the emotional understanding of how a patient and thier loved ones are feeling. Americans might take something said completley different compared to someone from Africa.
This opportunity would be so amazing to experience.