Theatre for Social Change!

Yasmina Gomez Start Date: Sep 2, 2016 - End Date: Jan 29, 2017
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Leadership/Training Program
  • Kolkata, Bengale-Occidental
  • Barcelone
  • Japan
  • Córdoba, Province de Córdoba
  • Rio de Janeiro - État de Rio de Janeiro
  • Buenos Aires, Ville Autonome de Buenos Aires

My Travel Story

by: Yasmina Gomez Start Date: Sep 2, 2016 - End Date: Jan 29, 2017
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Leadership/Training Program
My Story starts with two passions. A passion for Theatre but also a passion for freedom and social justice. I  would like to travel the world exploring how theatre can be used as a tool for societal and political change! I had never imagined the power of theatre and how it could change and transform society for the better, until I discovered the Theatre of the Oppressed. This school of theatre was created by Augusto Boal in Brazil under the dictatorship in the 70's. Augusto Boal saw OPPRESSION everywhere and he wanted to give back to the people their power to speak. 

He created theatrical tools and tecniques for the people in a social and participatory way. A revolutionary movement began in terms of theatre and the oppressed people of Brazil were able to voice their opinions about various societal and political issues. So much so, that Boal himself had to exile from his country to Argentina.

His work has had such monumental impact on the way we view theatre as a tool for societal and political change. Revendicating a democratic, free and participatory theatre and society. It has since then been used all over the world. Theatre is not just dancing and prancing but a tool to talk about important issues such as racial profiling, sexism, women's rights, legal issues. His theatre has been transposed almost everywhere, it is even used in businesses as a way of promulgating values of communication. 

Having studied the potential of Theatre of the Oppressed I would like to be able to attend training sessions in Barcelona and then travel to India to the Centre of the Theatre of The Oppressed and use theatre in marginalised communities in West Bengal. Many issues concerning women's rights in terms of marriage are present.  I would also like to travel to Argentina and Rio to see how different techniques are used there. 
This trip would be an enormous educational experience. However I would then be able to bring back all the techniques that I have learnt and share my experiences with others. 
I believe that there are many issues in society. However we do have the power to discuss them and to change things. Theatre of the Oppressed techniques are a great tool to see this happen. 

Please support me in my journey for change. 


  • Kolkata, Bengale-Occidental
  • Barcelone
  • Japan
  • Córdoba, Province de Córdoba
  • Rio de Janeiro - État de Rio de Janeiro
  • Buenos Aires, Ville Autonome de Buenos Aires