Help Alyssa Teach in India!

FMT User Start Date: Jul 31, 2015 - End Date: Nov 27, 2015
  • No travel destinations.

My Travel Story

by: FMT User Start Date: Jul 31, 2015 - End Date: Nov 27, 2015
My close friends and family know that I've been wanting to go to India for years now. I feel so drawn to the culture and the way of life there. I feel as though I've been spoiled simply by getting to grow up in Canada. Although I've done loads of research in school, I've never seen or experienced extreme poverty. But even though the country is poor, the people in India seem to share a happiness and spirituality that most people here are unfamiliar with. I feel as though I need to see this other way of life. I need to experience it first-hand so that I can change my own perspectives, and honestly appreciate what I have and what I can do to help.

This opportunity to volunteer will give me the chance I've been looking for to go to India and experience everything it has to offer, while offering to contribute what I can to the people there. I will be teaching in the slums of Delhi for the first three weeks, then teaching English in Dharamsala for another two weeks. I hope to help as much as I can while I'm there, and to learn everything I can from the people I meet. 

As many of you know, I work two jobs as well as being a full-time student. I live on my own and most of my money pays for bills and living expenses. I feel like this trip will be truly life changing and it will give me the chance to really help people while learning things to better myself. I typically hate asking people for help, especially when money is involved, but if you know me, you know how important this trip will be for me and how endlessly I will appreciate any help I get!

Those who donate will recieve personalized postcards and small gifts from my travels. If a large sum is donated, I will create a custom piece of artwork for you as an expression of my sincere gratitude! The larger the amount donated, the larger the piece of art will be! I am also offering complementary photo sessions to those who donate $50.00 or more, as another way to say thank-you!

I have also created a blog for my travels that I will be frequently updating while I'm away. It will include photos and written posts about what I am learning and what I am experiencing!

So if you have the means to donate, even the smallest amount (it all adds up!), please expect buckets of gratitude and happiness in return! I love you all and really appreciate having you guys in my life.
  • No travel destinations.