Send Corey to Iceland

Josh Crocker Start Date: Sep 1, 2015 - End Date: Sep 30, 2015

My Travel Story

by: Josh Crocker Start Date: Sep 1, 2015 - End Date: Sep 30, 2015
This is a gift for Corey and also a surprise. He does not know this campaign or account has been set up. If you choose to donate, please do not tell him until after the money is given to him.

Corey just suddenly lost his mom to a massive heart attack. Completely unexpected, and very rapid.

He was planning on taking a trip with friends to Iceland in October. Would you help send him there? This will be a great opportunity to allow him to both grieve over the death of his mother, and to spend time with friends having an experience of a lifetime.

We'll record a video and post it to youtube when we surprise him with the money. If you provide your email address, we'll be sure to show it to you and will mention you (if you prefer) to him.

Thank you so much!