Help start it all! Put Kayce to work rebuilding the wall!

Kayce Postlewait Start Date: Aug 20, 2014 - End Date: Sep 19, 2014
  • Vernazza, Italy

My Travel Story

by: Kayce Postlewait Start Date: Aug 20, 2014 - End Date: Sep 19, 2014
Cinque Terre, Italy - It was during 2006, the last summer before I graduated college, that my eyes first beheld one of the most beautiful places on earth. A place protected by land and sea, this UNESCO World Heritage Site changed my perspective on living and helped me realize what I wanted from life. I wanted to work to live life completely and abundantly, yet simply.

Occupied since time immemorial, the cliffs are extensively terraced and used to grow olives, grapes and other fruits. A network of dry-stone walls was laid by the hands of local peasant farmers over the centuries and zigzags up and down the terraced hillsides for thousands of kilometres, over a distance estimated by some to exceed that of the Great Wall of China.

During October 2011, the Cinque Terre National Park and it's villages faced flash floods. Water, mud, and debris filled the villages of Vernazza and Monterosso.

My family and I drank my vintage Alle 5 Terre wine from my first summer there as I told them about how my heart ached for the people and the village that my soul called home. I decided then that I wanted to help.

Villiagers and out of towners alike have been raising money to restore Vernazza and dig it out of the mud. When I went to volunteer in Feburary 2012, murals had been painted on the doors demonstrating courage and hope. Most every shop was closed except to teams of construction workers and volunteers digging, building, and encouraging.

Except to encourage those I met and inform others/create awareness, I did not have the skill set to help at that time. Now, I have the opportunity to return and help rebuild the walls.

Please help me to be part of the world community that puts their hands and sweat into rebuilding the walls and helping restore a remarkable rocky Ligurian village.
  • Vernazza, Italy


  • Incentives

    For those who donate $10, I'll send you a postcard.

    For those who donate $25, I'll keep a video blog for them and record a verbal shout-out including a message of thanks.

    For the first 2 who donate $100, you will receive a bottle of Cinque Terre wine. It's in such small production that it is not imported into the USA.