Help Sophie, Help the Turtles

Sophie Waters Start Date: Sep 23, 2015 - End Date: Dec 13, 2015
  • Bali, Indonesia

My Travel Story

by: Sophie Waters Start Date: Sep 23, 2015 - End Date: Dec 13, 2015
Dearest Family and Friends, this year I have opted to spend my Christmas and New Years in Bali volunteering my time to marine conservation and in particular their endangered turtles. 

I will be working not only with the turtles, but also with local schools to teach the children about marine conservation and on the local beaches to make them more turtle friendly.

I understand that everybody has the causes they support and your money may be more worthwhile elsewhere. So instead, all I ask is that those friends and family who would normally give me birthday and Christmas presents, instead donate money towards my efforts.

However, if you do believe in marine conservation and saving animals from extinction I would obviously appreciate all the help I can get!

Any money recieved beyond the target will go towards flights and purchasing any necessary items for the organisation.
  • Bali, Indonesia