Mental Health Volunteer - Sri Lanka

Jessica Von Pohle Start Date: Jan 31, 2017 - End Date: May 10, 2017
  • Sri Lanka

My Travel Story

by: Jessica Von Pohle Start Date: Jan 31, 2017 - End Date: May 10, 2017
In May of 2017 I have been given the opportunity to travel to Sri Lanka with SLV and volunteer in their Mental Health Placement. During my stay there, I will be preforming all sorts of duties from teaching children English, to volunteering in a Psychatric hospital, to teaching children and adults who are special needs, etc.

Speaking as a student, this opportunity could open up so many doors for my career! Having the chance to apply my education in the real world and better lives while doing it is a chance that I cannot imagine passing up.

Volunteering in the mental health program would give me the opportunity to make an impact on so many people especially considering the tragedies Sri Lanka has suffered from in the past such as tsunamis and a civil war that they are STILL to this day recovering from. All of this means that many of their people are often left untreated due to lack of resources!

Making a donation to this cause, even one in the smallest of values, could help improve the lives of people who would likely be left with little to no care otherwise.
  • Sri Lanka