Send Chloe to Ensenada

Chloe Riches Start Date: Nov 17, 2016 - End Date: May 16, 2017
  • Ensenada, Mexico

My Travel Story

by: Chloe Riches Start Date: Nov 17, 2016 - End Date: May 16, 2017
I am a seventeen year old student trying to raise money to fund my charity trip to Mexico to give aid to children across the world in multiple ways. After learning in school about poverty and seeing the conditions some people across the world live in I have decided to take action. Starting the 2nd of August 2017 I will be travelling to Ensenada Mexico in a large group to help children and their families in need by doing light construction works, building their houses and providing equipment etc that they so desperately need. Whilst there I will also be organising and involving the children in various different enriching activities. I have a passion for helping others and I am hoping to gain real life experience during this opportunity, and through sponsorship this will become possible. The total amount for this trip that I will require is around £2000 before the costs of extras and or essentials that I will need.
Thank you to everyone who visits my page and even grater thanks to those who make a donation as without you this opportunity wouldn't be possible for me.
  • Ensenada, Mexico