
Priyanka Depala Start Date: Nov 19, 2017 - End Date: Aug 18, 2018

My Travel Story

by: Priyanka Depala Start Date: Nov 19, 2017 - End Date: Aug 18, 2018
Hi everyone,
In a couple months time I will be flying off to a different continent 7000 miles away from home! I will be going to Africa for the first time in my life at the age of sixteen- I am super excited but extremely nervous at the same time! 

I will be going in 2018 with The Compton School for a total of 11 days with a bunch of my friends. We will be doing a series of tasks that will benefit the local school children, we will also be doing physical labour like building new classrooms for the local school. My friends and I will not only help teach the children but we will also partake in sports activities and entertainment. 

This trip is going to cost approximately £2000 which I will have try to fundraise by myself. I am so passionate about going on this trip as it is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I will be able to do at such a young age. I know this a huge amount but with every donation- you will be helping myself and the residents in Ghana by helping to provide money to buy resources for the local children.
I am so grateful to be able to go on this trip; we always take our fortunate position for granted but this oppurtunity will allow me to give back to the people in need.
I would be extremely thankful and will appreciate any contribution that is made to help me get to Africa!! 
Thank you so much for taking a few minutes out of your day to read this! 
Priyanka Depala