Help me to make my dream come true. I only need $6500

Danie De wilzin Start Date: Jul 6, 2016 - End Date: Dec 2, 2016
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Spain

My Travel Story

by: Danie De wilzin Start Date: Jul 6, 2016 - End Date: Dec 2, 2016
Hi fellow travelers.

This trip wil really help me to understand how cultural welfare is in other countries that i have never traveled to. I care a lot (to much) about children that's in desperate need of help.

I really want to help the poor children to experience things they only dreamt of doing. They never thought that it wil ever come true, meaning that i want them to get through this difficult time and live their lives to the fullest.

I chose these destinations because i heard on the news how the children is just left in the street and then the parents just disappear, that poor kid male or female are left just to fed themselfses.

They turn up in childrem homes where some of them commit suicide. A child is a gift of God, for what reason should these children's lives be thrown away like nothing?

Help me to make a better future for children in need, in desperate need of some parental love they never had. 

Thank you 
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Spain