Don't let animals go extinct!

Kgomotso Seale Start Date: Oct 21, 2017 - End Date: Feb 17, 2018
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Leadership/Training Program
  • Volunteer Trip
  • Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

My Travel Story

by: Kgomotso Seale Start Date: Oct 21, 2017 - End Date: Feb 17, 2018
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Leadership/Training Program
  • Volunteer Trip
This is not for my own interest, I want to be a hero to animals treated cruelly.

As young as I am I have developed the passion to become a hero to animals, they have to live without the fear of knowing that a lot of cruel people are out there, people willing to hurt them for their own selfish reasons. If nobody is going to stand up and spread the message conserve nature, then I will! I will become their Angel and make sure they live in peace and harmony. 
I don't want money to be an issue, I just want to do a good deed for these animals. They deserve nothing but the best, if animals are becoming extinct; what will the future generations see. Will they just see pictures of Rhinos in textbooks with the caption "an image of a Rhino from decades ago." Why Rob earth of its precious animals?
  • Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa