Elephant Conservation & Aid to Local Farmers

Nicholas Gallagher Start Date: Mar 5, 2019 - End Date: Jul 4, 2019

My Travel Story

by: Nicholas Gallagher Start Date: Mar 5, 2019 - End Date: Jul 4, 2019
My campaign is split into two parts, the first being aimed at helping rebuild the structures destroyed by the elephants in their search for water and food, a farmer can lose a huge amount of crops in a single night due to elephants invading their land, the elephants are smart enough to know where to find water and know they are big enough to destroy the barriers in their way. to help combat the elephants returning to the farmers land, we will be helping construct new water points for the elephants. the second part of the campaign is tracking and monitoring the elephants to help keep them away from the farmers land, in hopes to ease the tension between the two. Everything raised past goal goes straight to donations towards the wildlife conservations in Africa. I will be doing my best to keep updates throughout the journey.