Volunteering in Tobago: Working with rescue animals

Beth Hockley Start Date: Jan 9, 2024 - End Date: Mar 11, 2024
  • Trinidad and Tobago

My Travel Story

by: Beth Hockley Start Date: Jan 9, 2024 - End Date: Mar 11, 2024
To mark my 50th birthday I am going to Tobago to volunteer at an animal rescue facility for a week. I will be working with cats and dogs and my work will involve feeding, cleaning, playing (best bit), rescuing strays from the street, and helping to rehome animals in their care. The cost of accommodation/food/flights/insurance has added up fast and is more than I initially anticipated! I am trying to raise some money for this trip to cover my expenses and anything above that will be given as a donation to this very deserving rescue. If you were already thinking of getting me a birthday gift then a small donation towards this would be very gratefully received.
  • Trinidad and Tobago


  • Two Weeks Until I Go!

    Two weeks until I go!
    I can't believe I'm going in two weeks time! I have been sent photos of my volunteer accommodation which looks quite nice apart from the bedroom looking a bit cell like! I will be sharing a room with another volunteer so I am keeping my fingers crossed that they are not a snorer as it's pretty close sleeping arrangements!

    I have been checking the weather forecast ever since I first booked this trip and it is 30°c every day. Seriously has been the same every day for the last month!
  • Flights Booked And Ready To Go!

    Flights booked and ready to go!
    I have booked my flights, got my vaccinations, and am ready to go! My flights worked out even more expensive than I anticipated but there aren't many options to get to Tobago.
    This is where I will be staying for the week, and here is a photo of the local beach! It's around 30°c every day so there is going to be quite a bit of acclimatizing from the winter weather in Ottawa. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining!
    If you were thinking of donating I would be so grateful. I've really stretched myself to afford this trip and anything, however small, really helps!