
Grace Campbell Start Date: Jul 21, 2017 - End Date: Jul 20, 2018
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My Travel Story

by: Grace Campbell Start Date: Jul 21, 2017 - End Date: Jul 20, 2018
I believe that most high school classes and most Freshman and Sophomore undergraduate classes in college should have a central authoritative figure that commands them hard in the fundamentals so they learn the fundamentals well of whatever academic discipline they are studying. Junior and Senior years in college, where more theoretical courses in an individual's field of study are taken, is a completely different story. Then the student has taken care of the fundamentals and is much more qualified to engage in exploration and debate on various topics that pertain to their course of study, becoming more of a peer with the teacher or professor instead of just a student. It's a growing process, but each part of the process is important, both the authoritative and the exploratory/peer.

If an individual does not learn how to yield authority to a central figure, they will have to learn that lesson the hard way, after they graduate, when they are constantly getting reprimands from their managers and possibly getting fired a couple of times. It's better, thing students from buying term paper service  that they learn that lesson in Kindergarten instead of on the job. It really should start in the home, actually, but carry over into the individual's education.

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