Need to attend a research conference to present my work

Ijaz Uddin Start Date: Oct 5, 2017 - End Date: Nov 3, 2017

My Travel Story

by: Ijaz Uddin Start Date: Oct 5, 2017 - End Date: Nov 3, 2017
Hi, I am a Ph.D. final year student. I work on designing and enhancing systems which can be used to make the life of patients/special and elder people more comfortable. By connecting different devices with the user handphone and making the smartphone intelligent enough to alarm for the emergency or any other situation. However, the limitation is not only for the patient or elder care, in fact, it can be used in any field of life. So far, I have nice publications profile which can be found at 
and recently i have published another paper in Vietnam, I need to travel to present my work to the experts and fortunately at the moment i study in Malaysia so its quite near to Malaysia. The confirmation email is in my photos. Unfortunately, i do not have travel grant available due to some management issues, but I really want to attend the conference and further enhance my skills in this field to make better products for needy people especially.


  • Request For Travel Grant From The Conference Organizer

    Hi, i already emailed the conference organizer if they have any travel grant fund but unfortunately they dont have any such fiunds.