PLEASE Help Me Touch Lives in Peru-- I'm interning!

Devyn Morris Start Date: Nov 12, 2019 - End Date: Dec 16, 2019
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Intern Abroad
  • Urubamba, Peru
  • Machu Picchu Pueblo, Peru
  • Cusco, Peru

My Travel Story

by: Devyn Morris Start Date: Nov 12, 2019 - End Date: Dec 16, 2019
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Intern Abroad
Why Peru?

Within the last few years, I had begun working for Alameda County Social Services Agency and Public Health. Through witnessing client advocacy, I discovered my passion for serving the community of Alameda County. The community is a reflection me, identified as a member of the Afro-American, marginalized demographic with a greater potential for wealth disparity. And whereas thanks to my pursuit of higher education and this employment opportunity, I have a greater chance at building something to give back to my daughter and community, not everyone is as fortunate as I. I plan to continue my services by pursuing a career in community or public relations with a focus on highlighting mental health awareness and reclamation of funds for mental healthcare programs in underserved or marginalized communities. Attending the study-abroad trip to Peru will contribute to my incite on what entrepreneurial tactics thrive in impoverished, small communities with rich culture; and how to apply them here at home. This particular program that Linguistic Horizons offers will provide me: the intimate experience of utilizing my writing and production talents of taking the information I obtain; consolidating it into various creative media for the purposes of dissemination locally; all while bringing global recognition to the historical, beautifully restored architecture and agricultural landscapes Peru boasts.

 And whereas, I am aware of the challenge language barriers and differing social discourses in Peru present, I intend to utilize the knowledge from the research I have completed on the local community’s traditions and cultural practices, along with communication and mediation techniques I’ve learned throughout my education to best appreciate, listen for understanding, and assimilate into the local culture-- enhanced by learning Spanish. Due to my vast experience from working with people across varying demographics, I plan to draw from my appreciation of cultural diversity and teachable moments to connect with the local Peruvian community.

PLEASE help me travel to & intern in Peru!
  • Urubamba, Peru
  • Machu Picchu Pueblo, Peru
  • Cusco, Peru