Experience, Learn &Travel:My studyabroad journey 2 Thailand!

Jada Coleman Start Date: Feb 24, 2022 - End Date: Dec 28, 2022
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Study/Degree Abroad
  • Thailand

My Travel Story

by: Jada Coleman Start Date: Feb 24, 2022 - End Date: Dec 28, 2022
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Study/Degree Abroad
Hello! My name is Jada Coleman and I am a Junior at Lamar University studying American Sign Language with a minor in Political Science. Here at Lamar University, I have been presented with the opportunity to study abroad across the world in Thailand in January of 2023. As someone who prides herself on their ability to communicate across a diverse population, I believe I would be an excellent candidate for a program that would afford me the experience to learn new skills and techniques to effectively communicate with and for the deaf community from around the globe.As you see, pictured above is a photo of my lovely daughter. I want to set an example for my daughter on how I mangage both school and being a mother. This program is extremely important to my personal life because not many mothers are presented with an oppourtunity to study aborad.  

I have a passionate interest in the culture, history, and language of the Deaf community.I am excited about becoming an advocate for a population that is not always understood or included in our soicety.  Above all else, I pride myself on my cultural sensitivity when I find myself in the company of others who do not share a similar background as mine. For those willing to donate, contribution will go towards my room and board, needed documents (i.e.: passport), airfare, and towards the program itself. I deeply appreciate all willingness to aid me in pursuing this journey. Alongside my existing efforts, your help will give me the once in a lifetime chance to foster a greater understanding of the culture, customs, and language of the Deaf in Thailand!

  • Thailand


  • Letter Of Recommendation

    Letter of Recommendation
    Above or below is an attached copy of a personal letter of acceptance from the Study Aborad and Student Exchange Coordinator!