Oliver Goes to France!

Oliver Weinstein Start Date: Dec 30, 2023 - End Date: Mar 13, 2024

My Travel Story

by: Oliver Weinstein Start Date: Dec 30, 2023 - End Date: Mar 13, 2024
Bon jour!
My name is Oliver and I am a 7th grader at Jefferson County Open School in Lakewood, Colorado. This year I have been participating in a class called "Francey Pants". This is no ordinary class because I had the chance to go to France for 2 weeks in mid February. In order to earn a spot on the trip I had to participate and prove that I was ready and could be trusted for such a big trip. In "Francey Pants" we learned about French history, monuments, language, currency and culture. I am so excited to go on this trip because I love geography and travelling. This is going to be a life changing opportunity for me because I am only 12 years old and I have never been out of the United States. I am ready to start travelling! Your help with the cost of this trip will be greatly appreciated.

Au revoir!