Help me with my goal of study abroad in Japan!

アナクリスティーナ ルナ Start Date: Sep 7, 2017 - End Date: Jan 4, 2018

My Travel Story

by: アナクリスティーナ ルナ Start Date: Sep 7, 2017 - End Date: Jan 4, 2018
My biggest goal is to study something I really like and to be sure about it, but unfortunately I can study what I really want in my country.
I want to study Japanese language and culture at university, it's my biggest dream, but the educational level in my country is too low to apply for a scholarship in Japan, even applying through the embassy.
I want to study one (or two) years of Japanese Language and to take a university preparation course (EJU preparation course) that allows me to apply to the MEXT sxholarship in Japan after finishing it.
This way I can be eligible to any Japanese university and I also can apply for another scholarship  (but my desired one is MEXT's).
I have no money at all to do all these, not even for the flight ticket and I really don't want to study anything here, and not to study is obviously not an option.
Please, if you think you can help me to reach my goal I would be very grateful.