Krissy Treleit Start Date: May 9, 2018 - End Date: Jul 7, 2018
  • Professional Development
  • TEFL/Teach Abroad
  • Volunteer Trip
  • United States of America
  • Africa, IN, United States of America

My Travel Story

by: Krissy Treleit Start Date: May 9, 2018 - End Date: Jul 7, 2018
  • Professional Development
  • TEFL/Teach Abroad
  • Volunteer Trip

This may seem silly, but I really want to let the world know that being tattooed doesn’t change who I am. Yes I am tattooed and I am a passionate teacher. I knew and  I am aware I was drawing the crooked line between myself and the society. People will see me depending on the things that they want to see. They will turn their eyebrow and their noses up with my inks. They will assume I am hardened and be poked as a heartless or even dangerous because of tattoos but let me tell you that I am a canvas of my living experiences. I know I can't please everyone and It’s okay that I’m not everyone’s cup of tea—but what I am will be the right fit for those who understands the complexities of my existence and passion.I am who I am so and I will continue to motivate and share my knowledge and I will continue to explore and savor the world.I will continue to make a difference.I have volunteered and helped out some community groups over the years;  the drive to make a difference is my passion. I have worked and served a couple of industries and I got a chance to handle my own business and now my son is growing up and business has about to loose ends i guess its about sharing a blessing maybe it’s time to reflect on why I nominate myself. I gave up my business and I like to open myself to an another door of opportunity. I like to explore all chances and work with other people outside my usual sphere of contact network locally and around the world.I always have the feeling of giving something back,paying forward in a small way is like a personal justification, well it is for me anyway.I am more than just the ink.I am many things.I believe my skills and techniques are on the leading edge of the professional community.
  • United States of America
  • Africa, IN, United States of America