Help Tara volunteer to help save the sloths in Colombia

Tara Leigh Start Date: May 27, 2016 - End Date: Sep 26, 2016
  • Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia

My Travel Story

by: Tara Leigh Start Date: May 27, 2016 - End Date: Sep 26, 2016
As my friends and family, you would all know how much I love animals! And now that I have come to a cross road in my life I am going to chase my dreams, follow my heart and do all the things I have always wanted to do. One of those things is to volunteer abroad, helping save an animal species and what better animal than the cool chilled Sloth!

In September I will be leaving Australia and moving to Medellin, Colombia to volunteer for 3 months in the Colombia Sloth Sanctuary. Then continue my volunteer journey through South America.

Turns out volunteer work is not cheap! So one of the ways I am able to make this volunteer trip a reality is through fundraising. Any support would be appreciated! I promise I will send you a photo of my new sloth friends in return!

All funds raised go towards assisting the Colombia Sloth Sanctuary with rescue, rehabilitation and release work along with creating long-term community change, including awareness campaigns, collaboration with researches and much more. The money that is raised goes straight to the Sloth Sanctuary - all other expenses such as; travel, food, spending money, vaccinations and any other expenses are not included in the $3000.


The Colombia Sloth Sanctuary is a rescue, rehabilitation and release centre that has been working for 20 years to promote and protect the welfare of Sloths in Colombia. This Sanctuary has rescued over 800 animals – mainly sloths, but also armadillos, anteaters and other local species from the illegal wildlife and pet trade.

Buying and selling protected wildlife is the third biggest illegal trade in Colombia with an estimated 60,000 animals trafficked each year. Sloths are one of the most sought after animals. Thousands of sloths taken from the forest each year and drugged – their claws and teeth cut – to be illegally sold, sometimes for as little as ten US dollars. Without the sanctuary, authorities would have nowhere to house rescued or mistreated sloths and local wildlife, and there would be no way to reintroduce these animals into the wild when possible.

VOLUNTEERING IS HARD WORK – Check out my daily activities

Volunteers work 5 days a week for six hours a day. Duties can include;

  • Assisting in taking care of the animals.
  • Cleaning and maintaining the rescue centre’s premises and facilities.
  • Assisting in improving the sanctuary’s forest, including clearing out space for planting trees, helping to plant trees, taking care of newly planted trees, and helping to maintain forest paths so where possible sloths can be released there.
  • Participating in marketing and social media activities (if occurring during placement).
  • Participating in local events and educational campaigns as relevant (if occurring during placement).


I have had many people ask me… But why Sloths? Well… I think I could learn a thing a two from these beautiful creatures. The have a beautiful nature, always look happy and they take their time doing the things they do. Also helping with anything in the world brings me so much satisfaction, I feel this experience will not only assist with the Sloth species but also be extremely humbling experience for me. Bring on the adventure!


  • They are amazing swimmers
  • They only urinate/defecate once a week and always in the same place
  • There are two different types of sloths, two-toed and three-toed
  • Hibiscus flowers taste like chocolate to Sloths
  • The average speed of a sloth is 2 meters per minute along the ground, while through trees 3 meters per minute.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you can please give or share my campaign, that would be much appreciated!


  • Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia