What spinal cord injury ?

Mac Turner Start Date: Mar 24, 2017 - End Date: Mar 23, 2018
  • Seattle, WA, United States of America

My Travel Story

by: Mac Turner Start Date: Mar 24, 2017 - End Date: Mar 23, 2018
This has been a lifelong dream, I MUST successfully ascend, summit and safely descend Mount Rainier in Seattle,Washington. This mountain has been calling my name for many, many years now. Unfortunately to do so requires so much $ I fear that this will never happen for me. 

Back in 2009 I had a severe accident that left me partially paralyzed on the right side of my body. Multiple compression fractures,  2 discs slammed into my spinal cord, unfortunately this impact was so hard it tore the protective covering (sheath of spinal canal)  and sent me into a wheelchair for a very long time, I was absolutely devastated, after many surgeries this left me with a severe addiction to prescription painkillers & muscle relaxants. Thanks to god & a lot of willpower I am now 8 months free of alI medications, unfortunately we have over $40,000.00 in medical bills that will not be paid off until I'm approx 75-80 years of age (not kidding)  This causes us to barely scrape by just to pay rent & food. Since this is a large amount of $ I've decided to lower the amount/goal. I'm trying to purchase all required climbing gear used NOT new. If anyone even has gear they no longer need I would be forever grateful for the chance to borrow it. If you do not wish to have the gear back I WILL DONATE to another person of disability whom also needs something positive in their lives. 

I have absolutely NO CLIMBING GEAR, this guided climb costs another $1,800.00 & also must pay for airfare $700.00 USD, 2 nights hotel stay $220.00 USD.

I know this is a lot to ask, I honestly doubt I will get a single dollar donated but I MUST try. With just a simple share on facebook, twitter or a blog post/forum would mean the world to me.I can't explain this deep urge to climb this mountain, I still have many health issues since my spinal cord was damaged but I most certainly will prove to myself that I CAN climb a mountain & will never stop pushing onward. 

May god bless each of you and thanks for reading.


  • Seattle, WA, United States of America


  • Lowered Campaign Goal Amount

    Lowered campaign goal amount
    I've decided to lower my goal from covering 100% of the trip $4,800.00 to covering the guided climb only of $2,500.00. After god spoke to me in a dream last night, I can't help but feel I was being far too greedy/selfish. I sincerely apologize!
  • Lowered Campaign Goal Amount

    Lowered campaign goal amount
    I've decided to lower my goal from covering 100% of the trip $4,800.00 to covering the guided climb only of $2,500.00. After god spoke to me in a dream last night, I can't help but feel I was being far too greedy/selfish. I sincerely apologize!