Psychology Student Providing Voluntary Aid in Sri Lanka

Olivia Bennett Start Date: Mar 8, 2016 - End Date: Mar 7, 2017
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • TEFL/Teach Abroad
  • Volunteer Trip
  • Sri Lanka
  • Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka

My Travel Story

by: Olivia Bennett Start Date: Mar 8, 2016 - End Date: Mar 7, 2017
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • TEFL/Teach Abroad
  • Volunteer Trip
I am currently a Psychology student at the University of Hull with a massive interest in mental health, and a passion for a career in the treatment of disorders, within the field of healthcare.

I was recently successful in applying for a voluntary post to work as a mental health practitioner within psychiatric facilities and the community in Sri Lanka, for 5 weeks over the summer of 2017. I feel incredibly honoured to have an opportunity to not only help people who are suffering from mental health issues, and have an impact on daily lives within the hospital/clinical facilities that I am stationed...but also, to be working as an Special Educational Needs teacher as part of a team on alternative days, providing education to individuals of all ages with disabilities/special needs, who would not normally have such an opportunity to learn.

SLV is an organisation set up and run by graduates, that enables students & graduates to travel to less fortunate parts of the world, in order to use their knowledge and experience to benefit others in need. The mental health placament that I have managed to secure a place on, provides the people of Sri Lanka with help in the form of easily accessible healthcare & education, something that is sometimes taken for granted by us all in Western societies. This placement is run in partnership with Samutthana, the King’s College London resource centre for trauma, displacement and mental health in Sri Lanka. 

I am extremely passionate about this cause and extremely lucky to be able to volunteer my knowledge and help to hopefully enhance other peoples' lives. Which is why I applied for this position, despite it coming at a cost to me of around £2000 (including flights), due to having to live with a local family whilst I am out there and live in general (I need feeding haha) whilst I work for 5 weeks. I would massively appreciate any help financially that anyone would be willing to give, to help me get out there so that I can create opportunities for other people by hopefully bettering their lives by giving intense voluntary aid.

For any more information on SLV and the amazing work that they have volunteers doing, please dont just take my condensed words for it, watch the videos I have provided or visit their website/facebook page/instagram/youtube channel. 

Thank you! xx
  • Sri Lanka
  • Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka


  • Thank You So Much!

    Thank you so much!
    Thank you to everyone who has donated so far, you are amazing! I can't thank you enough for donating towards this fantastic opportunity to help people! I will keep you all up to date when I can once in Sri Lanka.
    Liv .xoxo