Kenya-Leaders through Literature trip

Ibu Sag Start Date: Jan 28, 2018 - End Date: Jun 6, 2018
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Missionary Service
  • Volunteer Trip

My Travel Story

by: Ibu Sag Start Date: Jan 28, 2018 - End Date: Jun 6, 2018
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Missionary Service
  • Volunteer Trip
This summer we will be making our first trip to the western part of Kenya. My sister and I are incredibly passionate about literature and the benefits and opportunities that it can bring to a child. As two fourteen year olds, we have found reading to be an important factor in achieving our academic success and personal growth as students and young adults. Most primary school children in Kenya do not have access to books and school supplies. Our mission, Leaders through Literature, is to provide literary devices to kids that are in need. Furthermore, we want to improve their education and learning experiences. We are collecting books and school supplies through local donations. In addition, we have also been raising money through babysitting and bake sales. However, we need more help to fund the trip and to make our vision a possibility. We hope that you can help us make a positive impact in the lives of the children who need it the most.