Wildlife Conservation and Teaching Abroad in Asia

Saren Rosado Start Date: Apr 18, 2016 - End Date: Dec 17, 2016
  • Thailand
  • Indonesia

My Travel Story

by: Saren Rosado Start Date: Apr 18, 2016 - End Date: Dec 17, 2016
This campaign is to create funds for three GoEco programs: Caring for Elephants in Thailand, Sea Turtle Rescue in Bali, and Teaching Abroad in another part of Thailand.

I'm combining the three things I love the most: Language, Animals, and Traveling, to make this campaign happen. By donating your only helping me help others, and see more of this beautiful world.

Why should you donate?
To help me reach my goals faster! While I'm already saving up money from working in Japan as an English teacher, a model, and moonlighting as a mermaid, your donation expidites everything and I can fly off sooner. This means I can add MORE projects and programs to my calender and do more good in the world!

Why Asia?
Living in Japan makes airfare and travel to other countries in Asia cheaper and easier than traveling to Europe or Africa at the moment.

How will this impact me?
I'll be gaining experience with wildlife and aquatic animals, something I'll be using to start a career in wildlife rehabiliation. I'll also be doing a lot of traveling, living amongst the local community, and expereincing the country first hand, a great chance to learn and row myself!

How will I make a difference?
I'll be teaching English to children in Thailand, which will give them a great chance to broaden their horizons and dream big for the future. I'll also be helping keep Elephants out of circuses and helping rebuild sea turtle populations, all while educating and assisting local communties. Inspiring others to care for the animals, the planet, and for others.

What makes this meaningful for me?
I love learning about didfferent cultures, history, different languges. I love expereinceing new foods. I love teaching kids and seeing them have fun while learning. And msot of all, I love helping animals, via rescue, rehabilitation, or even just observational study. Nothing can make me happier than knowing I've been helpful!
  • Thailand
  • Indonesia

Adventure Registry

  • ESL Flashcards

    $ 20