Hippy Hikers Do Peru

Freddie Matthews Start Date: Feb 15, 2023 - End Date: Aug 14, 2023

My Travel Story

by: Freddie Matthews Start Date: Feb 15, 2023 - End Date: Aug 14, 2023
Sam Todd and Freddie Matthews are affectionately known by many as 'The Hippy Hikers', and are located in Northumberland, UK.  Between the pair of us we have backgrounds in Land Management, Archaeology, wildlife and a passion for the outdoors and adventure.

The Hippy Hikers are volunteering on a conservation project in the Amazon Jungle in July 2023.  We wish to undertake this project for many reasons, not only is it going to be a life changing adventure in a remote part of the world that we will never have the opportunity to see otherwise, we will also get to experience new cultures, coexist with native communities and be able to contribute in a valuable and meaningful way. 

Volunteering with IVHQ allows us to help the local communities of the Amazon to manage and maintain their environment and support their economy (as it is a project run by locals) as well as being a part of something greater than ourselves. 

This project aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goals and equally importantly aligns with our personal goals to learn and implement new skills and knowledge, so we can continue to make a positive impact, no matter how small, upon the area we call home.
This project will not only be a new and exciting experience for me, but it will help Sam understand a different aspect to working within the global environmental sector. The work that Sam has been focusing on at college is to do with our native woodlands and trees in the UK. This is a first-hand opportunity to experience and work within a broadleaf tropical rainforest. It’s a chance to discover and encounter a species rich rain forest, something much greater and different than we have in the UK. It holds the largest selection of flora and fauna in the world. Sam volunteers with various nature and environmental charities and companies in the UK but this is a chance to learn and understand how the community of Peru helps look after “the lungs of the planet”.

This will be a truly unique opportunity for both of us to help protect an ecosystem, by assisting with conservation efforts and protecting and conserving the natural environment and wildlife.

"I have learned you are never too small to make a difference" - Greta Thunberg


  • Fundraising Events

    Fundraising Events
    This is a list of local to where we live in Northumberland, fundraising events we will be taking part in. We will have a busy few months before our trip!