Mental Health Placement in Sri Lanka ! (Stage de psychologie)

Claira Moro Start Date: May 16, 2017 - End Date: Aug 7, 2017
  • Professional Development
  • TEFL/Teach Abroad
  • Volunteer Trip
  • Sri Lanka

My Travel Story

by: Claira Moro Start Date: May 16, 2017 - End Date: Aug 7, 2017
  • Professional Development
  • TEFL/Teach Abroad
  • Volunteer Trip

(UK & FR below/ci-dessous)

Hello everyone!
I have been offered a placement on a graduate mental health program in Sri Lanka, for a duration of 12 weeks, through an organism called SLV Global!

This is a fantastic opportunity for me to learn about how a different culture views and treats mental illnesses as well as for me to contribute to treatment plans with the knowledge I gain through my studies in a western environment.
Just so you know I am enrolled in a MSc at King's College London in Forensic Mental Health, and graduated in 2016 with a BSc in psychology at Paris Descartes university in Paris (I have dual nationality).

In that placement I will also be required to teach english to children and adults, as well as encourage children with special needs to develop cognitive and analytical skills.
It will be for me to come up with ideas for the sessions me and my group will be running and - to give you a bit of an idea -, as I am a chess player, I was already thinking of buying a few soft chess boards to take with me to serve as a mediator during these sessions.
This placement will not only be a beautiful human project, it will also enhance my chances of later on being accepted in the doctorate of clinical psychology for which I will apply in 2 years.

I thank you so much for any help you can give me as this truly is a fantastic opportunity for me.

Bonjour à tous !

J’ai la chance d’être acceptée dans un programme dédié aux étudiants en psychologie afin de partir au Sri Lanka, dans le cadre d’un projet de 12 semaines !

Durant ce projet je serai amenée à assister psychologues et psychiatres en hôpital psychiatrique, mais également à donner des cours d’anglais à des enfants et adultes avec troubles du langage et de l’apprentissage. Mon rôle sera également de développer des capacités cognitives et analytiques chez des enfants en difficulté, aussi - étant une joueuse d’échecs - je projette d’acheter des échiquiers souples afin d’utiliser ce jeu comme médiateur !

Ceci représente une formidable opportunité pour moi de non seulement apprendre et comprendre comment une autre culture traite et soigne les maladies mentales, mais il sera de mon devoir de contribuer et proposer mes connaissances issues de mon enseignement occidental.

Ce voyage sera une expérience humaine enrichissante sur de nombreux plans, et sera surtout un atout majeur pour postuler au doctorat de psychologie clinique dans 2 ans.

Un grand grand merci à tous qui rendrez ce projet personnel possible !

  • Sri Lanka
