Internship Abroad

Aaron Cranford Start Date: Jan 7, 2013 - End Date: May 6, 2013
  • Sydney, Australia

My Travel Story

by: Aaron Cranford Start Date: Jan 7, 2013 - End Date: May 6, 2013

Howdy, my name is Aaron Cranford and I am a Senior Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences major at Texas A&M University. I am required to have an internship to graduate in August 2013 and I will be working at a hospitality resort/hotel along the East coast of Australia. I have been wanting to work as a future manager of a hotel and paired with my love and utmost desire to travel to Australia I was able to land the position. Unfortunately a college student's funds only go so far so I would very much like support, both financial and spiritual support, for my trip. Although this is a 'business' trip per say I still take Christ's commission to "go and make disciples among all nations" (Matthew 28:19) very seriously. While I am there I plan on sharing the gospel with those that I am working with as well as other locals. I foresee that one of the biggest challenges will be my own spiritual development being in an area other than Texas where community is much easier to come by. I would also very much appreciate prayer for the trip as I do not know what God has entailed for it.

  • Sydney, Australia


  • 2nd Payment Made

    Have paid about half of the program fee now! Numbers here don't reflect that so keep it in mind. Thanks to those who have supported me so far and that continue to support me in prayer. Still working on a video, unfortunately school has gotten the better of me for the past couple of weeks.
  • Update - 1/23

    God does indeed answer prayer! For the past week or so it had been on my mind that I would not be able to raise the money required for internship. While I indeed still do have a long way to go I received encouragement today in the smallest of charitable actions that speaks even louder than words. I know that the Lord will continue to provide as He states in John 16:24, "Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you shall receive, so that your joy may be full." I know that the Lord will continue to provide as long I continue to remain faithful to Him and keep my eyes fixed upon Him.

    I had been debating on what ways I could best keep others updated on how the fundraising is going and how I would continue to update when my travel began and I have decided to turn to the camera. The Lord has greatly blessed me in the skills of photography and it has been a wish of mine to learn video as well. Well... I think it's time to get started using video. I will begin working on a video that hopefully explains more what this trip means to me and what I hope the Lord will do in my life while there. I think a video would be a much better way to explain it than trying to type it out.