Nathan's Tanzania Service Trip

Nathan Doran Start Date: Dec 27, 2019 - End Date: Jun 9, 2020
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Leadership/Training Program
  • Volunteer Trip
  • Karatu, Tanzania

My Travel Story

by: Nathan Doran Start Date: Dec 27, 2019 - End Date: Jun 9, 2020
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Leadership/Training Program
  • Volunteer Trip
Hi! My name is Nathan. You can learn more about me by clicking on my profile link. In June, 2020 - I will be living and working in a rural village about an hour outside of Karatu, Tanzania and helping to improve things like living conditions and infrastructure. 

I will be taking part in volunteer work that will have a direct impact on the community by doing these things:
  • Building schools
  • Building homes
  • Teaching English
  • Building water wells and water access projects
If you are interested in helping me help better the lives of others, your donation will be used to purchase supplies to build schools closer to villages, so young children like first graders don't have to walk nine miles to school on their own. Your donation will also help build homes for teachers to help the village acquire educators in these remote areas. Lastly, your donations will help bring water closer to rural villages, so the community is not forced to walk numerous miles just for a cup of water. In addition, I will be experiencing the rustic conditions of the area. We will sleep on safari mattresses in tents, a common house of the village, or a classroom donated by the village, within the community.  The conditions will be rustic – no running water, showers, flushing toilets, or electricity. The service projects will allow me the opportunity to directly impact the community, and get to know as well as understand certain aspects of the community during my service projects.

On a personal note, outside of the tangible accomplishments we will make to the community I will be living in… I’m excited for the personal growth that I know will happen from this trip. I’m not exactly certain or know what to truly expect from this trip. However, I am certain I will have experiences of a lifetime, and I’m excited for the new sites, sounds, and smells unique to the area – the new friends I will make – and our group accomplishments.

Thank you for helping to make this trip possible!  Whether you choose to help me with a donation or simply kind words of encouragement, I truly appreciate it.
Thank you! I can't wait to get started!
Nathan Doran
  • Karatu, Tanzania