Izzy's Biology Study Abroad Trip in Brazil!

Isabel Linhares Start Date: Feb 21, 2017 - End Date: Jun 25, 2017
  • São Paulo, Brazil
  • Ilhabela - State of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Ubatuba - State of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Paraty - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Rio de Janeiro - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

My Travel Story

by: Isabel Linhares Start Date: Feb 21, 2017 - End Date: Jun 25, 2017
Hello! It's Isabel Linhares here, a junior at the Waldorf School of Orange County High School.

This summer, I am pursuing the opportunity of a lifetime: I'm traveling with Saddleback College to Southeastern Brazil to study coastal biology in the field! During the trip, I will have the chance to study  and experience a variety of Brazilian coastal ecosystems, from kayaking through the mangroves of Paraty to hiking for seven hours through Ilhabela's lush rainforest, and work with some of the largest conservation projects in Brazil. One such conservation program is Ubatuba's Tamar Project, an organization that turned a community of fishermen who depended on the fishing of sea turtles for their survival into one that now prospers from the turtles' conservation. I'll also have the opportunity to experience the behind-the-scenes scientific research of the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro and visit the reptiles at the Butantã Institute in São Paulo.

In addition to the biology, the trip will entail a number of unique cultural experience opportunities. From visiting the Mercado Municipal market in São Paulo to admiring the colonial architecture and historical center capoeira demonstrations (a Brazilian martial art disguised as a dance) at Paraty, I will have the chance to experience a host of traditional Brazilian activities and improve my Portuguese! 

This trip will be a dream come true for me, both in the biology and Brazilian aspects! I have a burning passion for biology; I'm currently pursuing a biology independent study project as my elective option, and plan on studying biology in college with the intention of continuing to med school and becoming a surgeon. This trip will allow me to deepen my biology knowledge and experience the concepts I am currently studying in a field setting. Additionally, the trip will be the perfect opportunity to immerse myself in Brazilian culture and pay tribute to my Brazilian heritage. I was born in Southern California and have lived here my whole life, but my family is originally from Brazil. We are the only ones who live in the U.S., so any opportunities to see my extended family are few in number and all the more precious. This one is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to deepen my knowledge of both biology and my culture, and I sincerely appreciate any support you would be willing to give to my attendance of this amazing trip! Any contribution is a blessing; despite the steep price of the trip, I strongly believe the experiences I will gain are invaluable and worth the cost. I am fully committed to making this dream a reality, and would greatly appreciate your help reaching my fundraising goal!

For more information, please don't hesitate to email me at ilinhares@waldorfschool.com ! Additionally, I have included the links to the program page and the 2016 trip's video if you would like to learn more. I will also be posting updates on my preparation process for the trip and eventually photos, musings, and things I learned from the trip itself once the time comes on my blog.

Thank you for your love and support!

Gratefully yours,
Isabel Linhares

  • São Paulo, Brazil
  • Ilhabela - State of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Ubatuba - State of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Paraty - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Rio de Janeiro - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


  • Goal Amount Slightly Lower!

    Hello! The goal amount is now slightly lower, as the $700 deposit fee has been so generously paid!
    Thank you so much for your support of my campaign!
    -Isabel Linhares