bring yehuda to the holy land

yehuda bogen Start Date: Mar 22, 2016 - End Date: Mar 21, 2017

My Travel Story

by: yehuda bogen Start Date: Mar 22, 2016 - End Date: Mar 21, 2017
The wish and desire of every jew is to go to isreal .to walk its holy streets breath its pure air ,to learn in the  3000 year  old  tradition laden land  of our forefathers and study its teachings .to tour and see the holiest of lands from sacred ancient sites up to the miraculous modern state of isreal, to see up close the county we stand for , to see the kindness of god and will and determination of his people that no matter what befalls us we will stand back up rebuild and succeed like never before. to absorb its unique culture and meet its special people,
however the costs to fund such a trip are beyond me so I turn to my brothers and sisters and anyone that can relate to me to help make this dream come true.
                       Thank you yehuda