Let's Make a Difference in Their Lives

Echo Huang Start Date: Jun 19, 2018 - End Date: Jul 10, 2018
  • Jerusalem, 以色列

My Travel Story

by: Echo Huang Start Date: Jun 19, 2018 - End Date: Jul 10, 2018
Do you know,for a child with severe disabilities, activities such as taking a walk, combing hair and eating with a fork can present a real challenge, but with the right individualized treatment program, children can learn skills and develop their abilities in all functional areas? Over 750 children with intellectual and developmental disabilities and medical conditions receive advanced medical, educational and rehabilitative care in ALEH’s four residential facilities. I will join one of them this summer!

I'm a girl from China and now I study in the UK. Joining ALEH in Jerusalem would be a very meaningful experience in my life since I've never traveled so far away from my hometown not for my own sake but for helping those in need!

Determined to earn the flight ticket by myself, I've started two part-time jobs this week. Still, I'd appreciate it if you feel touched and are willing to fund my trip or help me spread this message, just letting more people know there is a group of children in need, and that everyone can do something, as simple as teaching them how to use a fork and taking them for a walk, can make a difference in their lives! Thank you so much my friend!

  • Jerusalem, 以色列


  • Another Platform To Fund Me

    Another Platform to Fund Me
    Today,I also set up a crowdfunding through wechat,which can be found here:
    If you came here but found Paypal is not that convenient,and if you have a QQ or Wechat account,pls do click the upper link~~~
    Since nearly all my network is in China,Wechat might be a more effective platform for me.I will stop both crowdfunding once I've collected all the amount in need.Thank you again everyone~~
  • ALEH
