"Going Home After 2 Years"

Rohit Jakhar Start Date: Jul 7, 2018 - End Date: Nov 6, 2018

My Travel Story

by: Rohit Jakhar Start Date: Jul 7, 2018 - End Date: Nov 6, 2018

Hey Everyone, I am Rohit and I am traveling to India from France after 2 years.

I had to go early but I couldn't make it. My father has a heart bypass surgery and I am not able to afford to go and meet my family. My family lives in a small village in India and we are farmers. I can't even talk on a video call because we don't have high tech phones and good internet connections. We can't afford the medical bills so it's very hard to afford traveling home. 

I am looking for your help if you could help me a little bit. I would never forget that. I would be thankful to you my whole life.

Thank you!!
