First Art Gallery Showing in New York

Jeralyn Merideth Start Date: Jul 25, 2023 - End Date: Mar 2, 2024
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Professional Development
  • Vacation/Personal Trip
  • Norwich, New York, United States of America

My Travel Story

by: Jeralyn Merideth Start Date: Jul 25, 2023 - End Date: Mar 2, 2024
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Professional Development
  • Vacation/Personal Trip
Hello and welcome to my campaign! As you know, my name is Jeralyn Merideth and I am an artist.  I currently live in Missouri. I have drawn all my life, but when the pandemic hit and I was  forced to be home bound,  I rediscovered my love for art and began to draw in earnest. Eventually, I began to see my art take on more meaning and depth and I became more passionate then ever about my art career.

Earlier this year, a friend of mine who lives in New York gave me the email address for the Chenango County Arts Council in Norwich, New York where they were holding an open call for artists.  I submitted some of my work and they loved what they saw and offered me a spot in their gallery season! Being selected to show your work in a gallery is a very big deal for an artist and I'm so humbled (but very excited) that it happened to me! 

The impact this will have on my art career will be profound and could afford many, many wonderful opportunities for my future. The only dark cloud hanging over this event is that it's halfway across the country. I am on a fixed income and, alone, cannot see a way to get there without your help. If I am unable to be there for at least opening night, I will be crushed. Seeing patrons milling about, stopping to look at my art, my being able to answer questions or just interact with those who may be looking to purchase my art will be the most meaningful part of this journey for me especially since, as I stated, this will be my very first gallery showing! 

If you  have read this far, thank you very much! Your support in this endevour will mean the world to me. I want to extend a heartfelt thanks and my deepest appreciation to each and every  one , in advance, who makes the decision to donate.  Thank you!
  • Norwich, New York, United States of America


  • Happy To Finally Have My Website Online!

    Happy To Finally Have My Website Online!
    I have been working on my website and am proud to say that I pushed it live last night! It's an e-commerce site and there's a page for my portfolio as well. I hope you all will pay me a visit :)