SLV.Global Sri Lanka! Mental Health Placement.

Holly Pearson Start Date: Sep 25, 2017 - End Date: Mar 24, 2018
  • Sri Lanka

My Travel Story

by: Holly Pearson Start Date: Sep 25, 2017 - End Date: Mar 24, 2018
In July 2018, I’ll be flying out to do a Mental Health Placement in Sri Lanka for 5 weeks. I’ll be going to do work alongside SLV.Global. This organisation’s goal is to help local communities by strengthening their already existing resources in psychiatric hospitals and then essentially increasing employability opportunities for the youth of Sri Lanka. Not only that but I will also be helping to give more people in this country a better quality of life. 
Over the 5 weeks I'll be working in a clinical setting with people who have poor mental health, teaching English to a range of people of different ages and abilities and also working with a psychiatric facility to help those with specific special needs.
As a student studying Developmental Psychology, this placement will give me loads of invaluable experience and allow me to develop skills in a clinical environment. It will help me to further myself as a psychologist and give me a better understanding of different therapies that can be useful when dealing with mental health. I am also excited to see how much my help will affect the lives of the individuals over the course of the placement.
I am so grateful and excited to have the chance to go on this placement. Not only will it help me develop my education, but it also allows me to learn more about another culture and see their way of life. I would be extremely thankful for any donations made to give me this unique oppurtunity.
  • Sri Lanka