Help Me Teach English!

Jasmine Pasek Start Date: Feb 4, 2016 - End Date: Feb 3, 2017
  • Madrid, Spain

My Travel Story

by: Jasmine Pasek Start Date: Feb 4, 2016 - End Date: Feb 3, 2017
Hello! My name is Jasmine. A few weeks ago, a friend of mine told me about an amazing volunteer opportunity abroad. She is currently in Uganda helping rebuild their community and helping with their English speaking skills. I did some research into the whole ordeal, and I found an amazing opportunity to go to Madrid, Spain! I think it would be wonderful to help them with their English speaking skills as well with helping me with my Spanish! I took 3 years of Spanish in high school, so I would be honored to learn from fluent speakers! I would be doing many other projects as to helping around the BEAUTIFUL city of Madrid. I have always wanted to travel since I was in 3rd grade and this would be my one chance to experience it all AND help others! ANY amount of donation would be appreciated more than you will ever know! Thank you so much in advance. Please help me accomplish my dream of traveling!
  • Madrid, Spain