Steve's 70th Birthday Yukon Expedition

Rachel Wernet Start Date: Jan 25, 2016 - End Date: Apr 4, 2016
  • Yukon Territory, Canada

My Travel Story

by: Rachel Wernet Start Date: Jan 25, 2016 - End Date: Apr 4, 2016
In honor of Steve's 70th birthday, we'd like to send him to the Yukon Territory, a place he's always wanted to voyage. Our dad, Steve Eckloff, has a pronounced case of wanderlust. It seems to be getting more acute with age. Steve doesn't sunbathe, cruise or yacht. He prefers the rugged call of the wild and the quiet still of nature.

Where exactly is the Yukon?
One of three Canadian territories, Yukon is situated in the northwest corner of Canada's continental mainland. It sits between the Canadian province of British Columbia and the Arctic Ocean, with Alaska to the west and the Northwest Territories to the east. The Yukon is larger than California and covers more area than Belgium, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands combined. It represents 4.8% of Canada's total land area. 

The name “Yukon” originated from the Locheux native word "Yuk-un-ah," meaning "Great River," referring to the Yukon River that flows across the territory into Alaska.

In the Yukon, Steve can visit ancient glaciers and an array of wildlife (hopefully spot a grizzly). He can trek through breathtaking Prince of William Sound to view its glaciers, or he can visit the small town of Tok, the original trade center for travelers. He can experience the “Crowne Jewel” of the Canadian Parks, Kluane National Park. He can adventure into Denali National Park and travel deep into the park on a backcountry adventure Tundra Wilderness tour. Along the way he can come to know all of the treasures of “the last frontier.”

Any gifts raised will go towards the $600 Whitehorse flight, lodging and grub along the way. We can't wait for him to go!
  • Yukon Territory, Canada


  • Today Is The BIG Day, Thank You!

    Hi everyone, thank you so much for your generosity and surprising my dad with this gift. We'll give him the check today and have your names on the card. Thank you so very much!