Send Kaycee to work and experience China!

Kaycee Chua Start Date: Jan 1, 2016 - End Date: Jan 30, 2016
  • Cultural Exchange
  • TEFL/Teach Abroad
  • Educational/Research Trip

My Travel Story

by: Kaycee Chua Start Date: Jan 1, 2016 - End Date: Jan 30, 2016
  • Cultural Exchange
  • TEFL/Teach Abroad
  • Educational/Research Trip
It has been almost 8 years now since I graduated from college and I was still uncertain of  my future but now that I realized there have been a lot of I dont knows and I can't do it situations I have let to pass, I want to make changes in my life and I want to do it now. It has always been hard for me to ask help from anyone but I want to do it now. Because I don't want to wait here doing nothing,  I want to do something about it.And with the growing demand of English teachers in Asian counrties, native speakers are always prioritized and being a citizen of a non native country it is quite a struggle to get an ESL teaching job within my neighnoring countries. And now that I can see what I want to do, which is to teach English I want to take this travel experience as a step to reach my goals and have a good career. I am hoping that it will not only give me a great and meaningful experience but also a cultural experience and more knowledge about the career I want to walk on. And for that I am asking for help so I can make my dreams come true.