Therapeutic Tourism Proyect

Jovana Villalobos Start Date: Jun 3, 2018 - End Date: Dec 2, 2018
  • Venezuela

My Travel Story

by: Jovana Villalobos Start Date: Jun 3, 2018 - End Date: Dec 2, 2018
Greetings to all! My name is Jovana Villalobos and last year I started a professional project called therapeutic tourism. This project is a space where I have combined my passions that are traveling and being a facilitator of Human integration processes. I am 27 years old and I am a psychologist and Master in Social and Cultural Anthropology, which has allowed me to have a very broad vision, at the same time a well defined purpose and intention about what I want to develop.

I live in Venezuela, a country rich in both natural and human potentials. I have decided to start this project to promote tourism spaces in my region that aim to promote alternative therapies and healing processes. This project has several phases. In the short term, I aim to raise awareness about tourism oriented to the conservation of the environment and therapeutic purposes by supporting and sharing the movements that sustain it. In the medium term I want to strengthen the message of the benefits of adopting tourism aimed at Personal Development as a pillar of the movement and in the long term my goal is to design and implement events and tours with therapeutic proposals at different levels for which I am currently carrying out a certification as a guide where I will have a license for it.

To start with the vision in the short and medium term I am making alliances with small tourism operators in my country and alternative projects to promote their spaces and be a spokesperson through the experience of their work. This step is fundamental for the generation of a highly sensitive tourist culture with care for the environment and Personal Growth.

This is my great dream. A space that I am creating from love, with the intention of sowing consciousness and with the faith of reaping expansion. Being able to have my great passions in a creative project is a great privilege for me.

I have decided to start the project in my country because my potential is born here. Among so many critical situations and national crisis, I want to continue building from my possibilities spaces of transcendence and fertile land to sow new opportunities, I still keep that hope of my country.

This venture is part of a larger project called "BIOCENTRO. Space for the connection with life".

It is a space in which I promote different professional services such as consultancies, consultations, workshops, discussions and I include therapeutic tourism. From Biocentro my purpose is to generate spaces for the full expression of human potential, trusting that in this premise the key for the expansion of consciousness and human integration is kept. It is a journey of deep connection with the existential project.
  • Venezuela