Psychology Mental Health Placement

Yasmin Thompson Start Date: Feb 9, 2018 - End Date: Feb 8, 2019
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Missionary Service
  • Volunteer Trip
  • Sri Lanka

My Travel Story

by: Yasmin Thompson Start Date: Feb 9, 2018 - End Date: Feb 8, 2019
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Missionary Service
  • Volunteer Trip
I am making this trip with the help of SLV Global, a company who provide opportunities for mental health placements abroad. I have chosen to go to Sri Lanka for a 4 week placement during Summer 2019. I am currently studying Psychology at university, and mental health is a sector I hope to go in to after I graduate from university. This will be a great addition to my CV, and will give me experiences and opportunities that most other Psychology students would never have the chance to do.
Whilst I am out in Sri Lanka, I will be undertaking activities in order to help the community, families, and patients suffering from mental health issues and disabilities. These activities will include teaching English, creating engaging workshops for children and adults to help them learn and create, and having hands on experience with mental health patients in a psychiatric hospital, discovering the cultural differences that exist and learning about what type of treatments are used.
This will be a very meaningful trip for me personally too, I myself and many of my friends and family have suffered from mental health issues throughout life, and I know how hard it can be. I want to be able to help those who are perhaps less fortunate than us, and don't have access to the treatments widely available across first world countries.
I really hope this trip appears to be a good use of your donation, it really will change the lives of a lot of people!
  • Sri Lanka