Help Me Study Abroad!

Catherine Grizzard Start Date: Sep 20, 2017 - End Date: Jan 19, 2018
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Study/Degree Abroad

My Travel Story

by: Catherine Grizzard Start Date: Sep 20, 2017 - End Date: Jan 19, 2018
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Educational/Research Trip
  • Study/Degree Abroad
My name is Catherine Grizzard and I'm from Harris County, Georgia. I personally am fascinated by other cultures and languages and enjoy travelling and all the adventure that comes with it. I would like to be able to study abroad for a semester during my junior year of highschool however, studying abroad comes with a huge price tag. I'm an excellent student with a 4.2 and I would like to be able to further my academic success while in another country. While abroad I hope to be able to achieve fluency in the language and become fully invested in the culture and the people so that by the end of my experience I can honestly call the country home.

I'm strongly leaning towards Chile as my study abroad destination. Some of the reasons I'm leaning towards this country are obvious. It's stunningly beautiful, it's a lot colder than the Georgia heat I experience year round, and it's people are notorious for being accepting and welcoming. I also am a person who doesn't like to follow the norm. Most study abroad students pick Europe as their primary location but I wanted something with a little less tourists and a little more of an authentic experience. I've been researching the education in Chile thoroughly and I've learned several differences from my school in the US. For example, Chileans go to school until about 5 pm each day and they are ranked number 1 as the country with the highest amount of class time. Their classes switch every single day, they get 15 minute breaks between every class, and they never change classes, instead the teachers come to them.

Chile is also a Spanish speaking country and I feel that in today's modern society Spanish is highly useful. Not only that, but my mom also has managed to learn Spanish throughout the years. She's incredibly supportive of all that I do and I would love to be able to share another common interest with her. I would be so grateful for any amount donated that got me closer to my goal of being able to fulfill my dream of studying abroad.