I want to represent Nepal in APYE conference in Thailand.

Upakar Pandey Start Date: Nov 8, 2017 - End Date: Dec 2, 2017
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Leadership/Training Program
  • Professional Development
  • Kathmandu, Central Development Region, Nepal
  • Thailand

My Travel Story

by: Upakar Pandey Start Date: Nov 8, 2017 - End Date: Dec 2, 2017
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Leadership/Training Program
  • Professional Development
The element of this program to take action and work towards a solution. As I have been an active practitioner of SDG16 and SDG 8, I think this summit will bestow me with unique, hands-on experience to work towards the issues in line with those SDGs and other SDGs in my nation. One of the best ways to learn is by doing and taking action myself is equally important to me as educating the rest of the world. The change in the world shall start with me. As a participant of this program, I will become a better leader and share my learnings with other youths back home. The integral aspect of the program that appealed to me the most is that the participants use the knowledge they gain from the summit to improve their own community at home. I look forward to collaborating with the participants that I’ll meet in the program, and have the opportunity to be a part of an innovative solution that will help make the world a better place. The collaboration of like-minded people belonging to different cultures is a valuable opportunity that will bring new ideas and solutions to improve the sense of universal ownership. I think that this program will make me a more independent person with the skills to work towards a change and the confidence to use those skills. It will certainly increase my empathy, and understanding of global issues. Foreign immersion offers a means of re-calibration to one's own society, enabling a radical change in perspective. The possibility of visiting Thailand would certainly allow such a mental alteration to occur.
  • Kathmandu, Central Development Region, Nepal
  • Thailand