Studying with the EU

Laura Smith Start Date: Oct 22, 2016 - End Date: Oct 21, 2017
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Professional Development
  • Study/Degree Abroad
  • Freiburg, Germany

My Travel Story

by: Laura Smith Start Date: Oct 22, 2016 - End Date: Oct 21, 2017
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Professional Development
  • Study/Degree Abroad
I decided that I wanted to study Government at the University of Texas at Austin because I have always had a passion for politics and understanding the laws and systems that govern us. Understanding government helps to understand the society that we live in; all major decisions regarding the way in which our society is run are based on government decisions and the operations of politics. In the future, I want to be able to use the education I have received here and be able to help shape society in order to better the quality of life for the community members. Being a government major, allows a student to take their education to higher levels such as law school and take politics to a larger arena. Classes in the government department, such as the Human Rights and World Politics class I am currently in, teach the necessity of shaping society on a global scale. I have always wanted to be able to look at the evolution of government and politics in a global way in order to understand the societies and world we live in.  I have recently joined the Clark Center for Australian politics as a research intern, I was provided this opportunity through a government class here at the University of Texas at Austin, an this is a key example of how the government department has allowed me to expand my knowledge on a global scale and learn more about other governmental systems. The government department at the University of Texas at Austin has also pushed me to explore other parts of government, and this is the reason that I want to study abroad in Germany. I want to be able to see the impact of government on the global stage and this major has allowed me to do just that and will continue to let me do so.

During my study abroad semester, I have the unique opportunity to intern with the European Union. Beneficial will be the authentic interaction with the citizens and the exposure to the German language. Becoming more fluent and proficient with the conversational and written language is a goal both for my minor and a potential future position in international law.  The combination of participating in the internship with the European Union and perfecting my language skills is an opportunity of a lifetime.  I will allow me to understand the inner workings of an influential and foreign government that has immense influence over many state interactions within the European community. This experience will assist me in analyzing the complex ways that governments manage relations with the Middle East and the conflicts in that region and how they affect the European countries in comparison to the United States.  The study abroad semester will provide me the opportunity to gain a global perspective that cannot be duplicated within a classroom environment. Following my undergraduate studies at the University of Texas at Austin, I am planning on attending law school and am considering a focus on international law. An opportunity to intern with the European Union would afford me the chance to understand the interworking of international law and help me focus on my future studies that I will pursue based on the study abroad experience. Having studied in Germany and having worked with the European Union refine my future professional goals based on the deeper insight into the delicate processes of foreign governments.
  • Freiburg, Germany