I want to live with the Cheetahs!

Kayla Oister Start Date: Nov 21, 2016 - End Date: Nov 20, 2017
  • Limpopo, South Africa

My Travel Story

by: Kayla Oister Start Date: Nov 21, 2016 - End Date: Nov 20, 2017
Hi, my name is Kayla.

I have had a dream to work with large cats since I can remember, specifically Cheetahs. Volunteer Southern Africa has this amazing program where you learn to care for the endangered species. An estimated 9,000 to 12,000 cheetahs remain in the wild in Africa. It's the organizations job to help repopulate them and I would love to be apart of that. My goal is to spend two weeks in Limpopo Province, South Africa. 

I am currently post-poning college to work and save money to be able to pay for it. I will be putting $150 away every month. My goal is to save $3,500 to go. To stay two weeks it will cost $1,830. I will also have to pay about a $1,400 for a round trip plane ticket. I would also like to take a couple hundred in case of emergencies.

I'm really excited to make new experiances, new friends, and make my mark on the world.
  • Limpopo, South Africa