Kind soul with the desire to volunteer globally!

Megan Ball Start Date: Jun 16, 2016 - End Date: Dec 15, 2016
  • Australia
  • Tasmania, Australia
  • New Zealand
  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Croatia
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands

My Travel Story

by: Megan Ball Start Date: Jun 16, 2016 - End Date: Dec 15, 2016
I’m a kind-hearted, generous and giving person, passionate about exploring and travelling the natural world, I love to immerse myself in the local culture wherever I go, making friends along the way. Another passion of min include wildlife, nature and the environment. Hence the love for volunteering with animals and charities while travelling.


So here’s my story so far…


I have travelled so far already and always find ways of volunteering along the way. All of which has been 100% self-funded. I have worked from the age of 14 in any spare time, striving to be independent. At 18 I attended university to study BSc Animal Behaviour and Welfare for four years funded by government loans. It is by saving some of my student loans over the years that I succeeded in funding my first trip!


I spent nine weeks volunteering and travelling around the world. My first three weeks were spent volunteering with a wildlife sanctuary on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. On day one I fell in love with the idea off travelling. My second three week were spent volunteering in Xi’an, China with a Giant Panda conservation and research sanctuary as well as teaching English to local children in the evenings. My third three weeks volunteering were spent in South Africa volunteering on a game reserve and with local schools.


Towards the end of my trip I felt like a new person, changed, my eyes had been opened up to the world and I didn’t want them to close. I was apprehensive of returning home, weary of what they ‘real world’ had to offer and concerned that I just wouldn’t be happy settling down and working a ‘9 to 5’. Regardless I returned home for my graduation.


However I was straight on the phone to Hanson Bay, (the Australian Wildlife Sanctuary where I had previously volunteered) asking about work. I was offered a job! J So, no sooner was I back home in Wales, I was applying for my visa and booking flights straight back to Kangaroo Island.


I worked for six months getting involved in as many projects as possible and putting in all the hours that I could to save for the following six months that I had planned to travel around Australia in my old worn out Mitsubishi Magna, volunteering along the way of course.


I fully immersed myself in the experience. First driving over 3000km across the Nullarbor with a friend. We took our time to explore, we camped each night and spend our days hiking in national parks, seeing with our own eyes the raw beauty that was on offer. We even had the privilege to see Southern Right Whales migrating to breeding grounds at the head of the Great Australian Bight. On my way back to Adelaide with plans to drive solo to Melbourne, my final destination being Tasmania, I attended an inspiring four day conference on sustainability.


I took my time driving from Adelaide to Melbourne and on to Tasmania, again stopping to hike explore along the way, hiking an average of 20km per day. I was learning so much about myself as I withdrew from civilisation. Most nights I slept in my car, taking advantage of the wilderness and the opportunity to experience every sunrise and sunset that there was. Every day was spent somewhere new, every place amazing in its own way.


During my three months in Tasmania I stayed with three different hosts on permaculture farms where I gave my time in labour in return for food and accommodation as my funds were running low, I made lifelong friends as well as learning valuable skills, I do not doubt that I will return. I also spent six weeks of my time volunteering at a wildlife sanctuary with a core focus on Tasmanian Devils and other native endangered species.


At the end of my first year working holiday visa I returned home. My family and my beautiful St. Bernard Ruby welcomed me with open arms and paws. I quickly got a job and threw every effort and hour into working. I reflected on how far my journey had taken me and how I felt that I was now right back at the start. I felt empty and bored. There is something deep within me that thrives on adventure, un-satisfied by the repetitiveness of living a ‘normal life’ and working a ‘9 to 5’ just to get by.



And so here I am, asking for help…


I have decided that I will return to Australia in January, Tasmania to start with before exploring areas I am yet to visit. Of course I am now working hard and saving like mad, but then it has occurred to me how much more time that I could give to helping others if money wasn’t such an issue.


My plans right now are slightly uncertain. My first step is too start my visa application and book flights. I know that my first stop with be Tasmania, to visit such special friends that took me into their homes, of course I will spend some time to help further on their permaculture farms. I do however want to see the rest of world…


Any money that you decide to give to me will be spent on visas, flights, accommodation, food, transport in country, allowing me to give more time to those in need, and of course fulfilling my wildest dreams!
  • Australia
  • Tasmania, Australia
  • New Zealand
  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Croatia
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands